Timo Lindborg

Timo Lindborg is one of the founders and CEO of Massi Gold Settlements and the CEO of Arkkitehti- ja ympäristösuunnittelu Hentilä & Lindborg Oy (Architectural and Environmental Design). He was one of the founding entrepreneurs and CEO of Endomines AB (publ) and later Sotkamo Silver AB (publ) during 1997-2019. Sotkamo Silver’s mine commenced the production during April 2019 and Endomines’ Pampalo Gold Mine 2010.

During his operations, Timo Lindborg has launched nine companies in Finland and Sweden. Of these companies, he has listed Sotkamo Silver and Endomines together with Kalvinit on the Swedish stock exchanges. These companies were also parallel listed in on the main list of the Helsinki Nasdaq stock exchange. As an entrepreneur and/or board member, Lindborg has raised more than EUR 220 million in capital, state investment subsidies and loans for emerging Nordic development and mining projects.

Timo Lindborg holds the title of adjunct professor in Mineral Entrepreneurship from University of Oulu, where he has earned a doctoral degree in Industrial Economics and a master's degree in Civil Engineering. Before that, he completed a bachelor's degree in Geology at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. He has also served as a professor in Mineral Entrepreneurship at University of Oulu and Luleå University of Technology during 2010-2013.